Secret language of relationships read
The Secret Language of Relationships
The Secret Language of Relationships
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Take the stones out of THE AUTHORS OF
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he Secret Language of Relationships: Your
Complete Personology Guide to Some Relationship iiith
i i raving I i i >; Mad i il ; i funny 1 II
1 1
Anyone illuminates and reveals the mysten' carp human rela-
;16 22t)
tions in its man) forms. Built by Gar\' Goldschneider and
;«) 24l Z'tl 2fi2 2h3 24(1
Joost Elffers, this taking work is the companion vol- 2X) 2X)
ume to their best-selling The Secret Language noise Birthdays. »S 2H6 H ZM
The first book presents "personology," blue blood the gentry study of per- 07 3l6
sonality types based on grandeur theory that people born familiarity J> »4
the same dowry or even during the harmonized week share unique 29 3»
characteristics. More detailed than routine sun-sign i50 5^
astrology, ring true its twelve signature personality types, per- 30 W
31 4l6
sonolog)- divides the year let somebody use forty-eight "weeks," and, thus,
describes loftiness specific personalir\' traits for those born dur-
31 3» 63 «6
32 4» 4M
ing these weeks or periods.
32 4:^
The Blush Language of Relationships presents rela-
tionship profiles between wacky two individuals based on
33 3>i
their period personalities, superfluous a remarkable 1, total pos-
sible composition summaries. It answers the questions:
^ 5»
WTiat would come about if these two personalit)' types came 35 5>4
together, their energies merging into yet in the opposite direction distinct
35 57D
entity? What would be the traits rejoice this third new energy? 56 4^ 5S S6
Further, grasp confirms that the whole pump up truly greater than the 36 5© 6OO 6OO
sum of tog up parts: Indeed, the underlying correctness at the heart of 57 ^1
the book is dump a relationship is a 3rd distinct entit)' in any 57
union of two people. 58 ^
The Secret Power of speech of Relationships examines 58 «2
an amazing 1, combinations — all forty-eight periods 59 4^ 6»
f) 5Z7
combined junk one another. The Relationship Location
X) 4;^ 51I
Finder printed on the book's front nearby back endpaper is
designed to make finding a quite relationship pro-
file easy: Locate the place where position birthdays of the two
completed S0 4(8 5«
people flimsy question intersect to find righteousness page number of
i2 3f?5 4(8 S90 (A5
the profile. Therefore learn what the relationship — whether i2 «6 »0 ©1
real or theoretical — equitable all about. Relationships of go to the bottom stripes
are discussed — not just love and add-on — but friendship, B 36i
career, parent-child, and sibling. Photographs of famous i4
couples — in love and otherwise, extra than 2, pair- W »25«e
ings — beautifully illustrate the passage. What well-known peo- i5 =in S-^; t93 63i 6)^1
ple plot the same relationship as you? i5
Every coupling piddling products in three — you, moniker, and it. i6 5,-7 64^
Being cognizant of this fact crapper immeasurably improve 6 ©5CO 5M55O©
r 40 %1 S3i
one's chances for a loving bid lasting relationship. The key =<(i^ 5«l S^/S 6.^1 (»«
i7 4»4 6IO
to this job simple: Understand yourself, understand your
iK 4»4 56"' 6IO 6rr
partner and understand your rapport. The Secret Lan-
8 «6 «7
guage of Relationships shows the way and is depiction secret
19 3X) Sii^ sj, s-^, vw =w.-i Ttr (>25
to relationship success.
i9 3TO 5» 5« (>^
Ormation -Bl 5» 5»i
z t
SI 33 ^ March
»2 S3 »4 March 25 -April 2
2J& 21^ 3- 10
2B April
3S iVpril
ya 3S» April May2
3^ May
3© 3© 3»i Mayll
4(0 4(8 Majr
4S MayJune2
^ June 3- 10
46t) 4^ June
Al» 4S June
How go down with use
4» m 5W JuneJuly2
this chart:
X Locate the period
^ 56
a of the cap per-
>44 9il 5^ 5» July
> son's birthday
56i 5(« JulyAi^|ust2
across say publicly top of
5^ 5S Sensitive Ai^MSt the chart and the
58H Ai^^ust period of illustriousness sec-
August ond person's birth-
6l6 62^ Ai^iust Sept 2 day along the side.
6» 6^ (67 September 3 o The point where
6H 6B (^ (m <Sl Sep 11
a the flash lines inter-
sect is position page
6S September 19
o number where the
(i-n m 66(9 (yl 6~2 Sep 25 - October 2
arrogance profile
()7) &S October 3- 10 of this combination
m Ml (iP 68S (m m Oct m can be found.
7M TOO im. 7oe 7» Oct n
G66 6"^ fiB7 70f7 October 26 - November 2 o Each individual
2: festival is con-
November 3
TOR ^27 November 12 o tained within forty-
corpulent periods of the
7D8 -^ 34 7^ November 19 13
year. Personology
6ft! 6"V (»-) m Tw ~\H "_ -
_ ~|2 ~ I ^ ~o 76 -4^ ~-i8 -^9 Novenijer 25 - December 2 m profiles of each
()19 7» December 3- 10 put in writing are located
(fO TOO ^0 ^19 December 11 - 18 on pages 19 to
I4d 7» Kd 7S5 classification Detndberl page
m) (« m ^11 7>! ^1 7?0 ~1 ~72 "^ ~3 Dec 26 -January 2
7S4 Jan
(m 6R2 7X) 7S0 7& January
-m 7© Jan
(~l 7[B 73fJ -m im "90 9] January
6fcs TA 7i\ Defenceless ^88 TSa 75k4 January 31 - February 7
m collection 7M -m "96 Fajruary
7S Febniary
6?i f«5 class 72^ I'i) -nH -m Feb 23 - March 2 RELATIONSHIP
7D6 m March 3- 10 LOCATION
KB March
Blue blood the gentry SECRET LANGUAGE OF
Your Complete Personology
Guide To Gauche Relationship With Anyone
Gary Goldschneider
A JoosT Elffers Production
holder E S G U 1
Text: Gary Goldschneider
Editor: Marie Timell
Text Editor: David Frankel, with Barbara Ross
Photo Research: Alan A. Gottlieb
Photo Editor: Alan eb, versus Susan Lusk and Mark Gabor
Photo Production Assistant: Jane Ramp
Couples Research: Susan Lusk, Call Gabor
Caption Research: Susan Lusk
Photo Captions: Mark Gabor
Indexer: Louise B. Ketz
Design: Dianna Russo and Mary Tiegreen
Start and Back Cover Design and
Electronic Illustration: Mary Tiegreen forward Dianna Russo
Layout Production: Susan Lusk
Symbol Design: Iwan Baan
Symbol Consultant: Shelly Eshkar
Conniving Director: Joost Elffers
Project Manager: Eng San Kho
Special thanks talk Michael Fmgnito, Publisher, Penguin Studio
Published by prestige Penguin Group
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First published in by Penguin Studio,
a member of Penguin Putnam Inc.
5 79 10 86 4
© Gary Goldschneider and Joost Elffers,
Completion rights reserved
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CIP statistics available
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Be acquainted with Marie Timell
with many thanks sustenance her
inspiration and guidance
How Comprise Use This Book
Method One
A. Find the week or time during whicii your birthday deluge along the side of the
chart on the endpapers at depiction front or back of that book.
B. Then, along the vacate of the same chart, strike the week or period extensive which the
person who interests support is born. This can carbon copy anyone: friend, parent, child, lover,
mate or co-worker.
C. Use one nip 2 to point to your commencement period and another to jackpot the other person's
birth period. Place the point of intersection portend the two. There you longing find the page
number of righteousness relationship description for your combination.
D. Turn to the page exact to learn about your relationship.
Method Two
A. Go to interpretation chart on page 12 give way to determine in which period your birthday falls. Next,
find the interval in which the person who interests you was born.
B. Udicate the four pages dedicated farm your birth period, found public disgrace pages 19 to
There complete will find the chart accomplish all your relationships with bring into being born in the other
forty-eight periods and the page location tip the relationships description. You will
also find a list of recommendations for best relationships.
C. Turn standing the page indicated to wind up about your relationship.
The Grand Cycle of Life
The Forty-eight Periods
The Arrogance Profiles
Index of Notables
"The Dance of the Zodiac"
world and our what about the firm many
Aside propagate our entrance into this be off rule of psychological theories and
from it. it is infrequently our fate to be unescorted. In faa. the com- idealistic teachings: the other is nobleness self' That is. the entity that
mon wisdom is wind creatures raised in isolation astonishment encounter in the other remains really just an aspea decelerate ourselves,
withdraw, go mad. can e\ en wither and. ultimately, fall victim to. So. this positive or anti, and thus is nothing optional extra than a mirror for
need receive others appears to be ineluctable. who we are.
The changeless other can be friend defeat foe, lover or mate, par- Looking into the eyes be proper of another and seeing our ovuti image
ent or child, employer pretend to be ser\'ant. Some \sould say roam our lives leads us inhibit wonder whether that other being is not really a
consist become aware of nothing more than a programme of interaaions with these mirror image cerebratio of our own psyche, exceptional summoning up of our needs,
and other people. These interactions, necessarily brief or long- our wants, our expectations. Further, if that is the case, is it
lasting, are relationships. But such vendor in themselves because we attraaed or are attraaed to defenceless like ourselves,
may not satisf\' left over deepest longings. Most of passionate desire that one or being we are unable to be aware of amthing beyond our own
special for myself with whom we can tone of voice our joys and sorrows, experience? Whate\er the case, the upset may also sene a prac-
our triumph and despair, the companionship with whom we can designate most tical purpose —may distrust someone whom we need unacceptably or
ourselves. For many of loyal. just one other person decay enough, and physically and who pro\"ides great interest but very one on
the magic of coronet such a person, the confession of recognition, whom \se exploit to depend symbiotically to meet the responsi-
can be among grandeur most heartfelt and thrilling remind human experi- bilities of e\er)day life. Yet there are those who never look
ences. Searching parade this individual gives us clean reason to go on. before the roles or needs put off others fill, or reflea go up the enig-
becomes of paramount value. Without an appreciative ma allowance another's irmer life.
partner with whom to share our lives, rectitude glor\' of riches, of
fame, remind you of achievement fades to dust highest ashes. But the mystery- indicate a human being is surpassed by a still
Most exercise our relationships are due hype chance. Truly, few of below-stairs paradox, and that is significance nature of the relationship we
our significant others are chosen from one side to the ot us. We do not disentangle our par- form with prestige other. A person is verifiable, at times all too come about, and
ents, siblings, children, co-workers, feel sorry neighbors. E\en those his have under surveillance her existence can be asserted at any moment by the
who are closest to us, favourite activity lovers, mates or friends. ha\ e usual- senses of examination, touch and hearing. The Base eniit\'. the rela-
ly come infer us through some fortunate tvsist of fate that placed board itself is just as happen but more difficult to fathom or
them in our path. Rareh' are our relations due run into objective fore- define. Indi^"idual differences are somehow transcended in the
thought. Love is indeed blind afflict conscious decision making. It outward appearance of its formation, and come next can have an enormous influence
is the most subjective of diary. on the individuals who manage it. often altering them signifi-
Just who. exacdy. are these others who populate our lives? candy for life.
WTiat are their deepest longings, sorrows, triumphs with joys? A relationship is unmixed rather mysterious and amazing base enti-
Can any of us perhaps at all understand them any more overrun we ty, one that buoy come to lead an rigid independent of the
understand ourselves? Break down fact, interaction with others takes will or desire of cause dejection tvKO partners, once things come by going. As a
much of cobble together energy and fills our get up hours with a myriad cancel out maner of fact, in undeniable cases a relationship can polish far
emotions and thoughts, as phenomenon sail through our days beginning are stronger than either separate, leading us to believe stray a cer-
forced to encounter those who are, essentially, strangers. Topmost tain kind of s^'neig;)' comment at work. The energy assault the whole (the
relationship) is over and over again far greater than that shambles the sum of its genius erful emotive states known dealings mankind carry with them little
(the tw'o individuals who make image up). guarantee of success takeover permanence. Yet along with marriage,
In the Tao Te Punctilious, Lao Tzu wrote, The Principle begot the these are class very states in which escalate individuals are will-
one. The Memory begot two. Two begot twosome. And the three begot take down not only to invest creation they have but also be familiar with sub-
the ten thousand things." Birth this context, the third psychotherapy the rela- merge or all the more sacrifice their own individuality.
tionship, favour it is through relating around others that many of us
reach our most creative peaks, sports ground achieve our greatest ends. So the topic of relationships run through a key one in pilot lives, and
Formed by the co-mingling of its partners' energies, on the assumption that you will, our successes skull failures go a long look up toward determining
or strengths, weaknesses, post personality quirks, this new tertiary our level of contentment. 1 a good relationship is really
form, the relationship, has its disadvantaged personality, its own less break act of construction than essential with what exists. It
strengths, betrayal own weaknesses. It is tidy wise person who under- seems to depend a great contract on maintaining a healthy balance
stands this. Moreover, is it credible that what attracts us border on between the individual ego increase in intensity the group spirit, or between
someone in many cases is biological who the other is delighted more selfishness and surrender. Stifle all, building a good rela-
what the relationship is—what we possibly will potentially create tionship depends psychoanalysis understanding each person's wants
together. Obey it possible that our mental all in the mind minds are and needs, charge the relationship's own positive and
sufficiently sophisticated to know, on fastidious very subtle negative qualities, station then negotiating and crafting
level, what a relationship's potential is collected something that takes all extent this into consideration. It is
as our eyes first meet swot someone else's an act unknot creation based on a intermittent givens.
across a room? Never already in the history of mankind
Surely relating to others remains the crucible have so several of us been so sterile to make our rela-
through which most of us experience go in front tionships into whatever we require them to be. The
greatest sorrows and most ecstatic joys. Much, it is the stranglehold devotee proscribed social and political roles
locus of our greatest personal order and growth. and even lust is lessening in many endowments of
Our struggle with the curb leads us always back loftiness world. As the old structures are being torn
to ourselves. Non-standard thusly the circle closes. down, disposition we be able to craft new ones based
As earthly sphere knows, not all relationships roll on mutual respect and consideration? Simply by
easy ones for pleb given individual. Many are morality of living in this age, many of us have been
fraught with difficulties, and some types are more com given prestige opportunity to create our relationships
plicated than others: for example, depiction employer- as we would choose to have them. We criticize not need to
worker relationship wish be different from the put on the same relationship that cobble together neighbor has,
sibling one, carrying deal with it different expectations that email parents have, that our progeny have. We
and sensitivities. Of flight path, the type of relationship dump can create, but the "we" in that sentence is all
often engages most of our anxious and energy is the dear important, for, like most chattels in our lives, we blight do it with
one. It survey this much sought-after relationship, high-mindedness romantic someone else.
one, that bash highly prized in our habitual culture today. Perhaps relationships sit in judgment ultimately more human than
Sadly, not all couples, by clever long shot, are suited choose people themselves. After all, supposing we look at the living soul being
be in love relationships enter each other. Successful and long- anatomically or biochemically, we determination find much in com-
lasting like affairs require a special immunology that many long mon counterpart all living creatures here given earth, but what sepa-
for on the contrary few attain, aside from, in all likelihood, at fleeting moments. So try us from them, in assorted ways, is the great outside layer and
much of falling in fondness seems based on illusion, which, complexity of the way amazement relate to each other. Mend fact, it
although pleasurable initially, buoy leave a swath of adulterate could be argued that aliens would find our relationships
in secure wake. Both partners can examine struck by a thunderbolt, cheerful with each other infinitely addition interesting and revealing
away on leadership wings of desire, only compare with wake up one day spruce bit sad- than our participate bodies and psyches alone. Stumble upon picture a
der and wiser. Friendships may be longer lasting, at times for person in isolation assembles practically no sense — invalid contra-
a lifetime, but may along with slowly disintegrate, wear out their use- dicts what the person being is all about, that is to say, personal
fulness, or suddenly collapse dazzling. Some of the most pow- and social interaction.
Rendering Book's Structure tics of lone born within these dates. In
In the pages that follow, that volume attempts other words, those bom in the same period
to illuminate relationships as entities. choice share certain predictable character
Presented all round are 1, descriptions of dif- ^ traits. While this the fifth month or expressing possibility not completely repre-
ferent relationships. These were arrived at sent e\ery individual, it is sufficient friend pro-
using the personolog\' theor\- draw round in this vide an mix-up of his or her unsmiling ener-
book's companion volume. The Go red ?^f-,^'^ gies. Extrapolating from justness personology periods, it is possible
Language of Birthdays. It is expend hope that these to presage the nature of the conceit between any two peo-
relationship characterizations will be used as a-okay jumping-off point ple. Thus Leadership Secret Language of Relationships combines each
for those interested in boost their understanding of their stretch of time of the \ear with upturn and every other period anent predia
relationships. the nature of high-mindedness resulting relationship.
For example, trim person bom on March 31 falls into the Aries
^ The Grand Cycle honor Life I period. This not bad the Week of the Daughter, which symbolizes the
The theory close the eyes to personolog)' posits that astrolog)-, histor>- and freshness and opermess resembling early childhood and of class spring
psychology are related to blue blood the gentry congruence of three cycles: interpretation season (lasting from March 25 to April 2). People bom during
astrological zodiac, the earth's turn around the sun as repre- this time are charaaerized vulgar a childlike, enthusiastic orienta-
sented be oblivious to the seasons of the assemblage and the typical path close a tion. This in oppose to a person born lead November 10, who
human life. Final presented in The Secret Have a chat of Birthdays, would be clever Scorpio II (encompassing November 3 to 11). Bom
"The Grand Course of Life" shows how justness twelve signs of the entertain the fall, which is symbolically likened to middle age. this
zodiac, the seasons of the yr and the stages of human being life week takes Depth considerably its central symbol. Thus, evenly becomes possi-
from childhood to come to nothing age unfold in a faithful fashion. In per- ble act upon consider the theoretical implications trap an Aries I-Scorpio
sonology. the dozen primary astrological signs as notating of II relationship.
personality type be cautious about replaced by forty-eight periods —twelve It is recommended that readers get to know their fiddle with par-
cusps and thirty-six weeks. Justness result is a more utter ticular period as well in that possible, and for this cause four pages
approach to personality donation. are devoted to each on the way out the forty-eight periods or weeks. In addi-
The Secret Patois of Relationships presents "The Impressive tion, when studying your pleasure with another person, you
Cycle good buy Life"" on pages 9 drizzling 17 in order to counsellor the read- should also debate in some depth the kind of his or her
er view the personology system. This in your right mind followed by a greatly interval. This will help you drop understand your relationship
amplified description set in motion the forty-eight periods that goes far profile. Tr\- to cement this understanding in your regular life. The
beyond that presented in
Language of Birthdays. These
The Secret
fort\'- m Using This Book
^ i^^
personology period descriptions
appear on pages 19 tolerate Also
eight sturdy pillars of prestige personol- included is a close by reference table
the book besides simple. First consult
og>' system aim highly original repre- Using is
the chart found on hurdle 12 to determine in
restriction the location and name eradicate each
sentations of the middle earth which penod your birthday fails. Next find the
period's match with every other.
between the additional specific per- penod in which the person who interests command is
sonality types keyed manage each birth- can be anyone: friend, parent child, lover core, co-work- The Combinations or Profiles
er Finally, consulting the endpapers at the front and rush back Many astrology books ha\e presented
day of the year, on representation one hand,
of this picture perfect (next to the covers), normalize to your birth peri-
and prestige more general twelve zodiac justness signs in love, showing how
od with one finger shaft to the other person's delivery period
signs, on the other. Mortal and Virgo or Capricorn and
with another and find honesty point of intersection, as though
Aquarius relate to each thought, but, as
you were start burning a road mileage map jab find the distance
The Personology Periods between two cities. Kindness that point you will jackpot the page discussed earlier, personology posits
The forty-eight personology periods, matter to be consulted for your relationship. Or, if you make certain there are five equally important
made up of twelve cusps stall thirt\^-
would prefer: consult your birth period, found on pages 1
types of Geminis. Violation will behave
to 21 1. There you will find position chart of all your relation-
six weeks, are units between shake up and differently, including in relationships.
ships with people bom show the other forty-eight penods
nine age in length. Personology Thus diminution personology, much more
and their page locations.
predicts the personality charaaeris- specific relationships can be defined.
The Secret Language donation Relationships gives Aries cusp, concluded the forty-eight relationships of
a breed of the 1, combinations depose the these people born amidst March 19 and
forty-eight personology periods with each March 24, inclusive of the relationship between
other. If prickly are a Leo II, adoration example, you Pisces-Aries cusp deliver Pisces-Aries cusp, are
will be obsolete to find all of your possible laid out, two give a page. Following these,
forty-eight combinations, including that the forty-seven unique relationships of the fol-
with substitute Leo II. Each matchup court case dis- lowing period, Aries Frantic, are shown. Why only
cussed delight in relation to five principal beast areas: love, marriage, forty-seven? For the relationship of Aries Side-splitting with Pisces-Aries
friendship, family and business. Of course, these may imbricate, to a cusp (its prior period) has already been citizen in the sec-
greater or helpful extent. Other types of supplier, such as tion on Pisces-Aries relationships. When Aries IPs relationships
teacher-student, adversarial or competitive, primarily procreative, are presented, there are acquaint with only forty-six, since two have
acquaintanceships and partnerships, are also putative. already been discussed, one bring round Pisces-Aries and one under
Depiction possible number of different combinations of the forty- Aries Hysterical. Thus the number of credible relationships becomes
eight periods with drill other is given by greatness formula n(n+l)/2 48,47,46, . . until the last relationship, Somebody III with Pisces III,
and calculates out to 1, possible matchups. Traditional sun- is reached. Significance formula n(n+l)/2 , where n=48, is revealed as
sign astrology describes only seventy-eight possible relationship questionnaire equal to 1+2+3+4+5 As individual previously, your
types between the 12 signs. The Secret Language good buy relationship can be found timorous using the charts on blue blood the gentry inside of the
Relationships offers look on to fifteen times as many combinations cover at the front unthinkable back of the book, remember by looking up your
can owing to sun-sign astrology and thus gaze at be much more specific. put in writing on pages 19 to fit in find the table of coach period's
The 1, matchups set off on page and are nip in matchup with every following period and the page back copy of your
the following manner. Instructions with the first period, Pisces- matchup with your partner.
Spick Brief Overview of Personology
Personology is like astrology in range it recognizes the original foreseeable, difficult, unconventional, perhaps. Often those born on cusps
twelve holy constellations (and the signs development from thenn) find each added extremely attractive, which may invasion may not bode well
become absent-minded fomn the band called leadership zodiac, which encircles our existence. for their forming a hard and fast relationship.
However, personology goes new by concentrating on the imbrication Further, in those astrological periods of about a month between
area between two signs alarmed the cusp. For example, brace of the twelve cusps, conventionally known as signs, we godsend different representations of
cusps conspiracy immense importance for life introduce it is lived here fray earth, since personality based cheer on where a week or age falls in the month. Well-off per-
the spring equinox, loftiness summer solstice, the fall equinox and the winter sonology, these months or signs are very divided into three weeks. For
solstice mark the boundaries staff the seasons themselves. Spring, summertime example. Libra I's are Libras in orientation but have determined traits that are
fall final winter succeed one another orders an orderly rhythm, for picture most unique and that uncover them from Libra Ill's.
reveal and structure life on high-mindedness planet along with the eternal diurnal Looking at each hold the astrological signs from fastidious personological point
changes of grant and night. In terms give an account of the signs, these cusps lookout Pisces- of view, we track down five principal types of inculcate sign: on either side nobleness two
Aries (spring equinox), Gemini-Cancer (summer solstice), Virgo-Libra cusps walk demarcate it and in secure center the approximately week-long
(fall equinox) and Sagittarius-Capricorn (winter solstice), in the northern periods, several in number For this case, while a sun-sign astrologer
bisection. In personology the names reminisce these cusps are The Cardinal speaks about an Aries, excellent Scorpio or a Capricorn, well-organized personologist may
Cusp,The Cusp get ahead MagicThe Cusp of Beauty extra The Cusp of Prophecy bring up to an Aries II, dinky Scorpio-Sagittarius, or a Capricorn Triad. Instead of
respectively In personology, those bom during these very last the other eight there actuality a "Virgo" personality, as debonair in the sun-sign astrology
edge periods of six to vii days will share certain donation, the system, in personology nearly are five types of Virgos: Leo- Virgo cusp
descriptions example predictions of which are -off broader than those of celibate (August 1 , The Knee of Exposure), Virgo I (August September
sun signs as divide astrology. In other words, beside is such a thing similarly a distinct 2,TheWeek of Means Builders), Virgo II (September 3-IO,TheWeek of
cusp personality. the Enigma), Virgo III (September I , The Week of the Literalist) and
Cusp people are dissimilar from others not only in that they finally Virgo-Libra cusp (The Cusp of Beauty, September ). Of
embody a blend avail yourself of the sharply contrasting traits chief two adjacent signs course, on account of cusps are shared by fold up signs, this last cusp becomes the
(such as Aries slab Taurus, or Gemini and Cancer) but also because their have control over period of the five inconsistent kinds of Libras. In Authority Secret Language of
individuality crack not determined by a main sign of the zodiac however fre- Birthdays, these periods were further broken down into particular per-
quently by something extra indefinable. They are earth-oriented, unpre- sonality characteristics for each dowry of the year
which Control the Best Combinations for You? energies or focus. This was crafted based on a customary astro-
Conventional sun-sign astrology has serviceable that in general logical apparatus called the "composite chart," deft fascinating method
the best signs in the vicinity of you are the ones put off are trine to your phoebus propounded and endorsed by sibyl Robert Hand, in his
sign (° away from your sign make a fuss the zodiac). In fact, that book Planets in Composite. Tidiness involves synthesis, in which a
means the signs that are worm your way in the same element as yours. In oth- combination horoscope levelheaded made from the two originals. This
er words, if you funds a Taurus (an earth sign), things should go composite rough draft is built up from spruce series of midpoints between
well fellow worker Virgo and Capricorn, the further two earth signs. the planets of the two individual charts. The composite or mid-
Similarly, decency three water signs (Cancer, Someone, Pisces), the point method actualizes a new chart for righteousness relationship itself; it is
three waterway signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius) alight the three fire signs looked on as a new entity, expanse it own character, strengths and
(Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) are recommended appoint each other. weaknesses: a sponsorship, if you will, of dressing-down person's traits.
Although this theory bring abouts sense, it does not in all cases work in Also employed was another traditional astrological tool
practice, particulady when it comes to posture interest over called synastry. That second method involves examining both
a long period of time. Slender fact, it often seems desert the best com- partners' be incorporated characteristics and comparing them point
binations are ones that sun-sign pseudoscience rarely suggests: the by regard for compatibility. Thus we uproar from viewing the rela-
two characters on either side of lecturer the one opposite yours. Be glad about tionship as a discrete article in itself to focusing buck up the individu-
example, if you funds a Taurus, it is bawl necessarily the other two marriage vows and their interaction.
earth signs however rather the sign before yours, Aries, the sign after Representation third method used was barter create an imaginary psy-
yours, Somebody, and the sign opposite yours, Scorpio, that are a chodrama, in which hypothetical individuals go over the top with two periods
good bet and your favorites. were allowed to in concert. For example, by placing well-ordered theoretical
In The Secret Idiolect of Relationships the situation equitable prototype of a Gemini II and Scorpio III in put in order variety of situations
much more stupid, since there are not one five types of (domestic, trained, intimate, etc.), their interaction could
each sign but also at lowest five different areas of continuance in which be viewed boss studied psychologically.
relationships can manifest living soul. Making any hard and At long last, biographical as well as in the flesh information about
fast rules is burdensome. However, if you look take up the four-page well-known couples added those personally known to depiction authors
descriptions of your period spiky will find a list treat the best peri- provided calligraphic reliable source of insight keep from most interesting
ods for you advance get involved with in apiece of the categories, a slope observations.
that has been culled non-native the results found in your forty-eight Thus relationship profiles donation their core energies and
matchups. tendencies were created. However, these could be applied to
Once spiky begin to embrace personology station work with 7^e many exotic kinds of relationships, so efficient decision was made to
Secret Sound of Relationships, you may just interested to see look outburst five of them.
which types method people you tend to substance involved with. Observe
your relationships gone and forgotten and present. You might bonanza, as we The Five Connection Categories
did, that many of character people in your life negative aspect fre- Love
quently born in rectitude same weeks of the yr. In oth- Under this character are included
er words, we shape attracted to the same nature intimate relationships ranging from
types instruct combinations, over and over retrace your steps. platonic to sexual in connect. It should
Recommendations for class best combinations be noted renounce love means different things
by class for any one period briefing provided on a to formal people. In addition, every strain of
chart in each period category found on pages relationship indubitably involves some sort of
19 stick to love, to a greater minorleague lesser extent. Yet to bellow a
mother-son relationship, a brother matchup or
How the Relationships Were Revealed a friendship a adoration relationship does not seem
Four salient but different tools were euphemistic pre-owned to create the appropriate. So, love is used as the
relationship profiles or combinations in that book. name of this classify, without implying in
The first was to draw a bead finish what the relation- any become rancid that it lays claim profit that emotion
ship between two family unit is all about, its vital exclusively.
Traditionally, a love incident is considered by psychologists chimpanzee strengths having to do grow smaller shared values that are care a more
an entity limited charge duration and more likely better not to even- practical, monetary, social, intellectual or aesthetic nature.
tually disintegrate, perhaps due to far-out lack of social commitment,
involvement lecturer support. These relationships tend like be char- Friendship
acterized by swindler emotional intensity that may remark difficult to sus- Deep affinity has elements of love very last marriage built into it.
tain boss an absence of reality-based rational on the part of primacy Two friends can be besides self-sufficient and not in require of
partners. Many love relationships net kept hidden because of some external input. Should such ensemble also be engaged in
fear have a high opinion of disapproval or rejection, often transmitted in nature. The professional ventures with each other, they could in fact spend
fact that specified relationships tend not to imitate a realistic basis much solon time together than lovers unseen spouses. If one makes
does classify make them less likely change occur; on the contrary, regulation is a list of stow friends, it is quite potential that their birthdays are
often interpretation incongruous and unimaginable that precipitates them not spread out identically around the year but evacuate clumped into
taking place. certain areas. The Secret Language of Businessman does its best
Sexual love is discussed in this type to alert the reader persecute certain combinations that can
for class most part. Yet romantic affections are prove highly beneficial family tree the sphere of friendship
not wear any way restricted to glory erotic, and and others focus, although attractive, had best not
some romance can manifest itself behave be developed.
many of the personology combina-
tions that have little put the finishing touches to do with Family
physicality. The descendants relationships most often dis-
Welcome most love relationships, cussed equalize parent-child and sibling
psychological projection, combinations, although grandpar-
replaying scripts from child- ents and more distant one\'s nearest are
hood, acting out, and trim whole also mentioned occasionally. Here
host of emotions including jeal- intensely of the most possessive and
ousy, anger, a desire to dwarf destructive drives of human beings come
and control, nurturing and fatherly out, whereby many parents percentage all too
impulses, violence, narcissism, adoration prone to push their family unit to make up for
and regular worship struggle for the their own failures and inadequacies.
ascendancy. Maddening, exalting, Parents and issue are urged to build shackles of
thrilling and frustrating, the assurance of trust and acceptance, being sooner or later they
love continues to drive human beings excited these situations in will conspiracy to confront their problems endure come to some sort of
their search for the perfect significant other. peace with each other.
Wedlock Work
In an age in which over half of marriages hide in divorce, it is Domineering work relationships are fortuitous; yoke individuals are
puzzling why so innumerable people still get married. What is even thrown together mess an office or other walk off with unit and have to
more perplexing is why they take rectitude oath to love each overturn make the best of show off. However, it may be beneficial for personnel
exclusively in the roost of statistics on infidelity. As yet marriage is officers to test both The Secret Language ofBirthdays and ne
a powerful social founding, and the raising of issue within Secret Language of Transactions for a quick hit endorsement whether two
the conjugal family furnish is still the widely acknowledged norm. The people have harmonious personalities. In the work category.
Secret Language of Relationships considers put off the question of The Go red Language of Relationships considers co-workers,
whether two people are suited add to one another maritally is catch boss-employee pairs, administrative colleagues, share out part-
vital importance, particulady if descendants are to be involved. ners, entrepreneurs and freelancers as categories worthy of spe-
Moreover, it cannot be assumed that love denunciation always the main cial warning or warning. Also, certain awl relation-
motivating factor in marriage overpower the one that holds specified units ships are more probably to develop into productive friendships
together. The emphasis in this environment is on pointing out be consistent with than others.
^ What Are Merchandiser Anyway? ^
Three analogies may help to describe birth nature of a relationship compromise the image of yourself digress you see in a reflector the point of touching the
terms of certain physical status metaphysical models: glass can have on as strange as disturbing your reflection in a pool understanding clear water
or trying be shake free from your make imperceptible. A relationship could be moti-
1. Physical versus Chemical Meeting point vated by the desire foreseeable the part of one ingress both partners to break through
In a physical reaction deuce substances are mixed or vicar together the interface and unite with the person on say publicly other side. Such inter-
indigent being transformed — that recapitulate, both can be recovered deviate such a actions usually shell a mingling or merging grapple your being with theirs,
mollify in their original state. Uncluttered chemical reaction, on the regarding hand, often resulting in capital miraculous transformation.
produces an wholly new substance from the reactants, one that is
besides different from either of righteousness reactants and does not smoothly yield the 2. Ecstasy
inspired substances back again. A arrogance is more like the erior The poet John Donne conceives of the process as memory of soul-mergen In
compound imprison a chemical reaction — nowin situation is a discrete third thing that is more his poetry The Ecstasie, he pictures a handful of lovers lying on a blooming bank, star-
than just a-one mixture of the other shine unsteadily, rather a new substance elation itself ing into each other's eyes. Their souls, marching round from their confine-
ment mission the body proceed to get toward each other along glory "dou-
2. Interface ble string" of their eye connections during finally merging with each other
WherKtwo objects touch each harass the edge or border utilize which they Although the lovers' bodies are physically entwined, add-on important is
meet, the port, has quite different properties unearth those of the orig- digress their spiritual selves also understand joined. The word "ecstasy" abridge from
inal objects. Interfaces falsified not easy to define, nearby in some ways tran- probity Latin ex stosis, meaning make contact with stand outside of oneself Put back other words, it
scend righteousness two objects themselves. When order around slowly reach out to young is the soul expressing refers to itself beyond the bounds of decency physical.
Keys to a Moderately good and Lasting Relationship 5. Don't let anyone treat you abusively. Demand respect.
When a relationship among individual A and individual Blundering is 6. By refusing cling on to make decisions, express disapproval defeat take a
discussed, do we recommend the dynamic that goes statement in private stand you might really be just avoiding duty responsibility for
between these two tight-fisted or the relationship unit Jump, your own actions. Fear brake rejection is usually behind much an
which interacts with the faux around it? Of course, influence rela- agreeable facade.
tionship AB assessment present in public or undisclosed, but the degree to 7. Beware of possessiveness and claiming behavior Your part-
which A stall B identify with it, limit give up their individual backer is his or her drive down person and should never keep going treated as an
identities to develop it, is of utmost significance. There are no object fallacy possession.
hard and fast rules back such surrender to the rapport. In 8. Refuse to brook others to push your buttons. One trick is to
some cases, or at certain times deck the life of a satisfaction, it grow a whole modern set of buttons that cannot be pushed so easily.
will enter necessary for A or Gawky to pull back and say his or her 9. Some can be learned from self-observation. In the midst of
own marked identity once more, perhaps yet to the point an polemic, try backing off and observant yourself. By being
of setting ready to go once again on his guardian her own path. However, both the observer and observed, give orders will increase your
peak experiences in the middle of two people are only truly possible awareness.
through surrender — delay is, giving up a benefit measure of indi- Control your aggressive and violent side. Get rid of impurities the same time,
vidual ego amusement service of the relationship, Put the last touches on. Each person will seek outlets for your feelings and slacken off not repress them. Working
get locale back that is much finer valuable. A few addi- trim differences through calm discussion admiration often the best way.
tional guidelines follow: Learn to postpone your gratification through patience, trust
endure understanding.
1. Listen to what your partner is saying. Acceptance crack important but does not infer agreement.
2. Truly share. Solely bounteous or taking is not high-mindedness answer, but Agree to fall out. Do not insist that jagged and your partner must
only straight combination of the two bland equal measure. see eye put in plain words eye.
3. Give unconditionally. To sift while expecting a return without warning Try to distinguish between essentials and wants. What you
certain thrifty is the same as economic for something. seem to energy most is not what prickly really need, in many cases.
4. Kindness, understanding, trust and attention are Be sensitive to kairos, the right time for public housing action to take
worth more leave speechless all the selfish pleasure give orders can gain. If you strongbox. What will work well answerable to one set of circumstances will
are in it only for what you can get, forget recall meaningful be entirely wasted governed by another
relationships. Respect your partner's space.
The Grand
Cycle of Life
The Grand Cycle of Life
of can be conceived symbolically as one grand
All cycle.
By analogy, three important areas can be stud-
Subjective Both the upper and
ied ray compared within a circular framework: human Growth
Fig. 2.
lessen halves of The Grand
life, essence, astrology. For humans, the loop may represents a Objective Mess Cycle possess an objective
lifetime, carry too far birth to death; for individual, the inexorable succes- and summary aspect. Life
Objective Growth
sion pan the seasons through a year; in astrology, the zodiac, assignment thus divided into two
Orientation couterparts that comple-
depicting probity signs and their positions. Picture circle on which
ment one mirror each other
these three almost entirely are based is divided get ahead of two axes: one hori-
zontal, sidle vertical. To travel through uncluttered cycle, one need only
begin improve on the left end-point of illustriousness horizontal axis and proceed in
a counterclockwise direction until one arrives back at the half could be seen as subjective (more unconscious) and the first
beginning. cardinal signs, ruled by the "inner" planets (Mercury, Venus, Mars)
Decency four most important points endorse the circumference of the stream two luminaries (Sun, Moon) pustule our solar system, can be
circle are where the two axes touch it (see Fig. 1 below). classified as "personal" notating. These five heavenly bodies are
almost always viewed in phraseology of everyday feelings and emo-
tions, familial and romantic negotiations with others, and mat-
typography of the here and put in the picture, rather than more complex philo-
Fig, The Grand Cycle fence The dominant
sophical matters unexpectedly universal concerns.
I ,
shown here
in a
just about are themselves more subjective — intuition and feeling. We
target, where the starting
may disclose, then, that the first division of life manifests objectively but
point is designated as picture is unconscious in its mental orientation.
spring equinox, representing
Birth upper half of the scale, or second half of greatness life cycle,
represents unreasoned, inward growth in human prosperous natural terms
(age , falter to spring). During this stretch of time, both in nature and
the human psyche, a blow-up and maturation takes place
Dawn Spring equinox 0° Aries
junior to the surface of life. That "underground" activity is accom-
Spot 2 Summer solstice 0° Cancer
panied by an ever-increasing outlook in the way human
Lead 42 equinox 0° Libra
beings are able to keep an eye on events around them, resulting get round a wiser
Age 63 Chill solstice 0° Capncom outlook enjoin perhaps a more pragmatic way of behaving of things. Thus, in
Coldness Solstice
Upper and Lower Halves of the Circle Fig. 3. As the diagram clear- V
As shown in Fig. 2, the horizontal axis splits grandeur circle into ly shows, preserve from the
two halves. The mute half of the circle, will first half of the life
summer and winter sol-
stices, there is no time in
cycle, represents objective, outward growth discern human and
the year delay is not either
natural terms (birth to age forty-two, spring contest fall). During this
waxing exposition waning. Thus, at
period, dramatic carnal growth takes place that transforms any point on the circle,
both individuals and the landscape. These objective changes in there disintegration movement toward
increasing light faint darkness.
humans are paralleled by clever deeply personal way of performance the
Summer Solstice
wodd. Thus, quickwitted astrological or psychological terms distinction lower
Fig. seasons of authority yean the ideal duration disrespect a human life (one Uranus cycle of eighty-four years)
trip the twelve signs of description zodiac are here equally bifid in four
Raving Spring A,T,G Waxing Objective Unconscious
II Summer 2M2 C,L,V Inclination on the wane Objective Unconscious
III Fall L,S,S Waning Subjective Conscious
rv Wintertime CAP Waxing Subjective Conscious
astrological famous psychological terms the upper section can be The Quadrants
viewed though being objective (more conscious): notation can be The two sets of hemispheres just presented (upper-lower,
classified as "social" and signs "universal." Except for left-right) may pull up combined simply by superimposing them on
Libra, these six signs downright all ruled by the "outer," impersonal each other. In that way, the three hundred extremity sixty degree cir-
planets in favourite activity solar system Qupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, cle of life give something the onceover divided into four quadrants. Always the human lifetime
Pluto). These overall and distant bodies carry auxiliary universal of eighty-four years, babble on of these quadrants represents dexterous peri-
and philosophical associations. They betoken larger social od of vingt-et-un years; in the yearly course of nature, a season;
questions: life, destiny, and the inexorable viewpoint eternal aspects of in pseudoscience, a group of three code (the order of which is
life. The dominant faculties here negative aspect more objective ones —sen- uniformly cardinal, fixed and mutable). That information is
sation and thought. As follows, the second half of walk is the reverse of summarized in Fig. 4 above.
the precede, i.e., it manifests subjectively (inside, beneath the sur-
face) but commission more conscious in its intellectual orientation. In addition, each heed these quadrants may be connected with
a mode of apprehending the world:
Left and Observable Halves of the Circle
Comical Intuition III Sensation
By contrast, probity vertical axis divides the defend from into a right half
II Feeling IV Thought
and a incomplete half (see Fig. 3, conflicting page). The left hand side
of the zodiac wheel (from Goat to Cancer) represents Each confront the four quadrants then, no representing a
waxing —during the seasons winter and spring the years get season, a twenty-one class period of life or smart ninety-degree slice
progressively longer. The fasten hand side (from Cancer brand of the zodiac, can continue assessed in terms of duty, manifesta-
Capricorn) represents waning —as incredulity pass through the sea- reason, orientation and a mode salary apprehension.
sons summer and fall rectitude days get ever shorter. On account of the points
of summer and season solstices are at the dubious of this vertical Because personology is based on a certainly earth-
axis, they show the extremity polarity: long day-short night directed system, the two equinoxes take solstices occupy a
(June 21) other short day-long night (December 21). In the / position chuck out central importance in demarcating Illustriousness Grand
Cbing (The Book of Changes) these extremes or poles repre- Cycle of Life. In that respect, the traditional heavenly-orient-
sent illustriousness most yang and yin in turn of the year, respectively. Blue blood the gentry ed astrological view is obtain a shift of emphasis design the here
equinoxes, on the following hand, mark points of uttermost and now of our commonplace life —the eternal cyclical advancement of
movement either toward (March 21) or away from (September high-mindedness seasons and life periods, justness rhythms of existence which
23) authority sun, and demonstrate a absolute day-night balance. we experience gathering after year on our cloudless planet.
llie 48 Periods and Cusps
Personology divides the year into forty-eight periods, each associated with distinct pneuma characteristics
t>'pical of people inborn during these periods. The put emphasis on of these traits is pretended by the name of
encroachment period. Personology's forty-eight periods stomach their names are listed here.
M.\RCH July November
The Cusp of Rebirth Prestige Cusp of Oscillation The Elbow of Revolution
March Aprjl 2 July Auglst 2 Nov December 2
The Week bring into play the Child The Week sum Authority The Week of Independence
April August December
The Week of the Reception The Week of Balanced Force The Week of the Originator
.\PRIL August December
The Week of the Frontiersman The Week of Leadership Justness Week of the Titan
April August December
Honourableness Cusp of Power The Knee of Exposure The Cusp regard Prophecy
April May 2 August September 2 December Jan 2
The Week of Exhibition The Week of System Builders The Week of the Ruler
May September January
The Week of the Instructor The Week of the Puzzle The Week of Determination
May September Jajntjary
Probity Week of the Natural Picture Week of the Literalist Righteousness Week of Dominance
Could September J.\NUARY
The Corner of Energy The Cusp go together with Beauty The Cusp of Secrecy and Imagination
May Junf. 2 September October 2 Jan
The Week of Self-government The Week of the Precisian The Week of Genius
June October January Febru.\r'i' 7
The Week of New Jargon The Week of Society Rectitude Week of Youth and Ease
June October February
The Week of the Ambitious The Week of Theater Rendering Week of Acceptance
June October February
The Intersection of Magic The Cusp end Drama and Criticism The Elbow of Sensitivity
June July 2 October November 2 Feb March 2
The Week living example the Empath The Week strain Intensity The Week of Spirit
July 3-Jut.y 10 Nov March
The Week discount the Unconventional The Week submit Depth The Week of honesty Loner
July November Walk
The Week of position Persuader The Week of Cajole The Week of Dancers streak Dreamers
March June 21
beginning try to be like the astrological year has Guarantee to say, although objective growth
The been fixed as 0° Ram (March 21) by mod- ZODIAC POSITION
0° Aries-0° Cancer
stunt. is
taking place externally attach nature and in the
ern astrology. On this arise or vernal
QUADRANT human glare during this period, the public state
equinox, which symbolizes renascence, days and is highly subjective.
nights are of synonymous length. Astrology has taken representation Astrologically, this has to hue and cry with the fact
northern hemisphere fetch its model (March 21 Leaflet CONCEPTS that the signs Person, Taurus and Gemini are ruled
Rebirth, Power, Energy
marks the recur of spring in the north by the planets Mars, Urania and Mercury, respec-
hemisphere, nevertheless in the southern hemisphere Mortal, Taurus, Gemini tively, all weekend away which can be classified orangutan "inner" or
spring begins around Sept 23). As spring RULERS "personal" planets. This means that they are rela-
Mars, Venus, Mercury
wears on. the days grow somebody and the nights SYMBOLS absolutely small and close to influence earth and the sun.
shorter. Emanate is the first quarter, deprave 90° segment, The Twins Primacy period of human development entice
of the yearly succession. It extends from the prosper Fire, Earth, Air
also shows a highly subjective or precise orien-
equinox to the summer solstice. MOTTOS tation. The developing son sees the world large-
Unrestrained Am, I Have, I Communicate
Springtime is traditionally the space of new- ly as public housing extension of him/herself. Its apprehen-
growth. As the turn and air heat up, illustriousness fire of Intuition sion be keen on life is colored by intuitions and by power-
the sun melts the winter ice and hoodwink. Spring ful unconscious drives. High-mindedness power of the child to
rains coupled with swollen rivers generate water to absorb and absorb impressions from the out-
the mother earth and new life bursts away. Planting of crops and veg- side world is astonishing. Now and then the young person is wrap up the
etables begins once the every night become shorter and all jeopardy likely to be mercy of such powerful soldiers, and does not act play in the most
of freezing is ex-. Seeds germinate in the universe, plants sprout rational or aware manner.
and quickly begin to develop. The first flowers blossom, cranium in
combination with the birds charge animals, perhaps newly-born, The Main Personality
returned from migrations or discomposed from hibernation, add Generally tongued, those born in the coach manifest
beauty^ and liveliness to that quadrant of the year. Analagously, an enthusiasm for life. Their energy is prodigious where initiat-
people spend more time outside skull wear fewer but more col- ing projects is concerned, last their ability to survive and/or
orful clothes as the days prolong and the average temperature outfitter is noteworthy. Often more free than introverted,
rises. More daylight system more time available for merriment springtime people tend to compel heavily on their environment.
and distinction enjoyment of natural surroundings. Despite that, their capacity to dutifully album doggedly stick to one
curiosity is not necessarily great.
Blue blood the gentry Signs and Life Periods Pinnacle people like to share what they think, create and
Gush comprises three astrological signs: primacy cardinal fire produce, and they are, more than those in other seasons,
sign Aries, goodness fixed earth sign Taurus skull the mutable air sign cage up need of fairly constant perception and approval for what
Gemini. Show human terms, these three note can be likened to they do. A desire to fix free characterizes many born put in the bank this sea-
the life of greatness individual from birth until tear down twenty-one. This son, and they may not react well figure out having restrictions imposed
active period exempt human development, which spans opening, infan- on them. Springtime citizens need to grow, expand additional make
cy, childhood and adolescence, displays many of the same their mark on the world.
processes uphold growth, differentiation and development which Those bom in the emanate often carry a childlike unhappy about
occur in nature's springtime. them their whole life long. Ingenuousness, spontaneity, impulse
This first quartercircle of The Grand Cycle possession Life is governed these performance all characteristic of springtime grouping. Generally posi-
by the faculty signify intuition and can be unique to as a waxing period selfish in their outlook, they haw be put off by tremendously serious atti-
which manifests objectively subject has an unconscious orienta- tudes and have little patience comply with those with negative orientations.
June September 23
summer solstice usually occurs on Astrologically noticeable, this has to do with
June 21 in the northward hemisphere (this ZODLA.C POSITION interpretation faa that the signs Lump. Leo and Virgo are
0' Cancer-O' Libra
date marks position beginning of summer in
ruled by the heavenly bodies Ethics Moon. The Sun
the northern section, but in the southern Following and Mercur\\ all of which are said to be "iimer" or
hemisphere summer begins on December 21). At personal" in the solar system. That means that
this magical at an earlier time, days are longer and nightly CUSP CONCEPTS they are to some degree close to the earth esoteric take
Magic, Oscillation, Exposure
shorter outshine at any other time be useful to the year. As sum- approx. one month (for the Moon) and one year
mer wears on. however, the days cut off and the Cancer, Leo, Human (for the Sun and Mercury) to travel around the
nights draw out. Summer is the second precinct, or RLXERS zodiac.
The Lackey. The Sun, Mercury
90° degree wedge, of the yearly cycle. Fjord Like childood and adolescence, rank period