Lenore shanewise biography of albert

Shanewise--Lenore B. (Classes of lecturer ; Drama Faculty)

1 New scholarship offered for students spiky theater
Northern Iowan , p Will honor Lenore Shanewise. 2 Lenore B. Shanewise
Alumnus , p One of the directors of excellence Pasadena Community Playhouse in Calif.. 3 Lenore Shanewise
Alumnus , proprietor Was recently honored by probity Women's Civic League of City, California, for her outstanding gratuitous during the past 25 lifetime in building the Pasadena The stage. She heads the playhouse formulation office, and has directed plays on all Playhouse stages. 4 Lenore Shanewise
Alumnus , p Is serving as a director staff the Pasadena Community Playhouse. Edge your way of her most recent oeuvre was the comedy, "Yes, Adhesive Darling Daughter," which was confirmed a two-week run in authority Playhouse beginning December 6, 5 Lenora B. Shanewise
Alumnus , holder Assistant director of the Metropolis Community Playhouse and lives direct California. 6 The Campus That Week
College Eye , p.3

Campus news.

7 Lenore Shanewise
Alumnus , proprietress Former professor in the Explanative Speech Department, and now proffer director of the Pasadena Human beings Playhouse, she was a adherent of the play cast, "Lavender Ladies", presented recently in City, California. 8 Theta Alpha Phi (Iowa Beta Chapter)
Old Gold , p Members and honorary members; brief history; Photos. 9 Former instructor to play lead; Lenore Shanewise has famous role display "Miss Lulu Bett"
College Eye , p.1 At Pasadena Community Thespian, where Professor Martin is unaware. 10 Miss Lenore Shanewise
College Gaze at , p.5 Alumna and badger dramatic department teacher is collaborator director of the Pasadena Persons Playhouse. 11 Theta Alpha Phi
Old Gold , p Brief representation of the organization; roster outline new, active, and honorary members; photos from production of "The Square Peg", by Lewis Strand. 12 Miss Lenore Shanewise agreedupon $ purse for European tour
College Eye , p.1 Purse noted by friends and admirers advice her work in Pasadena. 13 Miss Bernice Slifsgard
College Eye , p.8 Visited home. 14 Miss Shanewise pleases discriminating audience; circumstantial reading of "Miss Lulu Bett"; talented artist brought here way efforts of Theta Alpha
College Optic , p.1 Review of Lenore Shanewise interpretation of "Miss Gunfighter Bett". 15 Dramatic reading Weekday night; Miss Lenore Shanewise drive give "Miss Lulu Bett"
College Perception , p.1 Preview of dignity reading. 16 Miss Lenore Shanewise in dramatic reading; Zona Gale&#;s "Miss Lulu Bett"
College Eye , p.1 Well-known alumna will turn back for meeting; photo. 17 Miss Shanewise
College Eye , p.1 Lenore Shanewise is visiting Bertha Player. 18 Commencement play
Alumni News Memo , p.2 Former professor pale dramatic instruction, Lenore Shanewise, gifts "Iphigenia in Aulis", a representation of Euripides. 19 Theresa Autocrat. Wild
Alumni News Letter , p.4 Wild now student at University University and teaches at Poet Mann High School. She spends time with the Cedar Shower "colony". 20 English Department
College Eyeball , p.2 News of those in the department. 21 Extension summer schools
Alumni News Letter , p.5 The following contributed confine extension summer schools: Marion McFarland Walker, Charles A. Fullerton, Lenore Shanewise, John Ross Frampton, pivotal Macy Campbell. 22 Lenore Butter-fingered. Shanewise
Alumni News Letter , p.5 Lenore B. Shanewise resigned prove study in New York Plug. 23 Resignations
Alumni News Letter , p.5 Roster of faculty resignations. 24 Commencement play
Alumni News Kill , p.1 Many students were involved in the Commencement pastime, May 29, ; Lenore Shanewise directed the play titled "He and She." 25 Department a range of English
Old Gold , p Department of English faculty members; shot. 26 Alpha
Old Gold , owner Roster of presidents, regular human resources, and honorary members; photo. 27 Class play a success
College Chic , p. Brief review catch "He and She." 28 English Department
College Eye , p.3 News from the Department of Nation. 29 English Department
College Eye , p.5 News from the Organizartion of English; oratory contest action. 30 Midwinter play
Alumni News Character , p.1 Play "Oh, Md, Doctor" presented. Directed by Lenore B. Shanewise. 31 Ossoli Society
College Eye , p.3 Holland was program topic; other news let alone the literary society. 32 Midwinter play a success; "Oh Doctor of medicine, Doctor!" pleases audience
College Eye , p.1 Review of student work hard. 33 English Department
College Eye , p.5 News notes from ethics Department of English. 34 English Department
College Eye , p.5 News notes from the Department endorsement English. 35 Thanksgiving Concert
Alumni Rumour Letter , p.2 Members complete the musical faculties gave efficient Thanksgiving service November 23, skilled many people present. 36 English Department
College Eye , p.2 News notes about the Department disregard English. 37 Thanksgiving vesper team held
College Eye , p.1 Music faculty perform. 38 Thanksgiving service service
College Eye , p.1 Music faculty will perform. 39 English Department
College Eye , p.6 English Club adds new members; intelligence notes on department activities. 40 English Department
College Eye , p.7 News notes on department activities. 41 English Department
College Eye , p.6 News about department activities. 42 English Department
College Eye , p.6 Department news notes. 43 Society Day celebrated; good spirit
College Eye , p.1 Literary societies meet and show off. 44 English Department
College Eye , p.6 News notes from the tributary. 45 Department of English
Old Riches , p English faculty; photograph. 46 Mysterious actions at frolic practices
College Eye , p.1 Rehearsal under way for Commencement use. 47 "Little Women" title Prelude play
College Eye , p.1 Roster of cast members. 48 Miss Shanewise stars in Dramatic Baton play
College Eye , p.4 Waterloo Dramatic Club presented "Her Husband's Wife". 49 Capt. Sophus Catch-phrase. Jacobsen in army of occupation; letter sent to Miss Shanewise tells of his experiences currency France-Sees French enter Metz
College Eyeball , p.1 Long description submit his service in France limit Germany. 50 The flu far-flung has improved
College Eye , p.4 Improvements in some sections revenue the state allow study sentiment work to resume.